Republic of Himagiri Writing Ability 19 to 22

Writing Ability 19 to 22

  1. He can write 600 pages of novel within 24 hours.
  2. He can write 100 – 150 pages of novel in five hours in a day.(you just show anything around us by pointing finger, he can write on the topic 150 – 200 pages in five hours only by pen or he tell it orally as your wish.)
  3. If you provide him 2 stenographers he will write 150 – 200 pages of novels within 2 hours in a day.(First paragraph will be given to the first stenographer and second Para to the second person while the first person finishes that and continues writing with third Para, second stenographer writes the fourth Para so like this novels will be having full of knowledge and having standard quality presentation. Like this in 2 hours he can write around 100 to 150 pages.)
  4. In the same way if you provide 2 stenographers he will write 2000 pages of novels within 24 hours.
  5. If you give him a glass of water, he can write novel on it. If you give him a pen, he can write novel on it. If you give him any title or line titles, he can write novel on it. He can write a novel in only 5 hours in a day of 200 – 250 pages.
  6. If you give him a single word like love, friend, death and etc., he can write a novel of 150-200 pages within seven hours on the said topic, even if you give him a single letter like A, B, R, F or any from alphabet and numbers like 1, 2, 5, 9, he can write same as told above.
  7. He can write one small story 2 to 3 pages in 15 to 20 minutes.
  8. He can write 4 to 3 small stories in one hour.
  9. If you give him 20 to 40 themes at times; he can write on all 3 to 4 themes at the same time as your wish and demand.
  10. Just bring on all famous writers from the world and give same theme for all of us, you can find out whose imagination is better. If they take 1 week for writing 200 to 400 pages. He just finishes it off in 1 to 2 days. Then you can judge.
  11. You just give him 50 themes of novels and give him only 20 days’ time and you may give 100-150 numbers of pages he will write and finish those novels only in 20 days he can write 100-150 pages of 50 novels it is as easy as he drink water.
  12. He is ask you to call up a group of 15 writers one side, and ask them to write a novel or Hollywood script on the other side he will write the novel on the same theme. Later you can judge who has scripted better and taken less time if anybody.
  13. If somebody gives him a matter or topic on anything on phone from any part of the world, he will build the novel on the spot, and you may record it. He will tell even punctuations. You may record it or you may write it. He tells you the novel right from foundation to climax. He will write 100 pages in only 5 hours on any theme.
  14. If you give a theme of any animal he can write novel on this theme. For example he has already written a beautify novel on “Fish”. He can write a novel in only 7 hours in a day of 200 pages.
  15. If you provide him 20 stenographers he will engage the entire 20 stenographer at a time in writing different novel to every stenographer.(I mean he will give work 20 different stenographer of same topic. He will present the same novel in 20 different styles. In the same way he can give different topic to every stenographer and produce 10 different novels.
  16. He can write a drama of 10 hour in 40 hour only.
  17. To write big novel he take only one 10 days to complete. (500-600 pages novels. If he writes slowly with rest and play then he can write 500 -560 pages in a only one week.)
  18. He can write the novels on all kinds of themes within a short period of two days. If he writes slowly with rest and play then he can write 300 -340 pages in a day.
  19. He can write 4 to 5 pages of drama within 20 minutes.
  20. World largest 10 lakh books of poem series for love – Each poem books has 60 to70 pages.
  21. World biggest 36 world records for love and from love when he was 22 years.
  22. World largest 1500 pages epic book for love when he was 27.
  23. World most super human in fastest and faster writings novel, poems short story and Hollywood stories.
  24. World most 55 golden truths when he was 25.
  25. World biggest 1500 pages of epic book for love.
  26. World largest 10 years penance for love.
  27. World largest poem series titles 1 to 50,000 (2) parts for love.
  28. World largest poem parts 30,000 parts about love.
  29. World largest GW records denied for 25 times (rejected) when he was 25 to 26.
  30. World largest poems and stanzas about his love.
  31. World largest upload 46 videos in six months to YouTube about love when he was 28.
  32. World largest submitted to Record Setter (America) about love for 30 times in two years.
  33. World largest philosopher and philosophies 15,000 philosophies from love – when he was 26 years.
  34. World most and biggest world 20 PhDs books written for love when he was 25.
  35. World largest 20 professional jobs performed from love when he was 25.
  36. World first time established the cloister of world big principality about his love.
  37. World first time and largest every day distributes divine water, Divine coconut and praline to devotees for love when he was 27.
  38. World first time established big Uma Suma memorable charitable trust of love when he was 25.
  39. World most and first time changed his village name Hullatti to Shivaalaya Love.
  40. World largest 55 lengthy novels when he was 24 years. In Outstanding and underwriting stage 100 novels when he was 26.
  41. World first time he is telling astrology fortune for love.
  42. World first time and biggest Shiva lingam statue established for his love.
  43. World most and biggest Hollywood stories and screen plays from love.
  44. World largest and first time 4 lakh books of poem series he wrote for aunty.
  45. World first time beautifully lord shiva temple established for love.
  46. World largest and first time 4 lakh books of poem series wrote for girl.
  47. World largest poems 30 lengthy papers for example it’s like in textiles shirting role. Every page consists of Width 49 inches and length 38 to 40 inches and 114 to 120 lines are there in a single page (20 papers) for love.
  48. World largest Architecture diagrams for love.
  49. World longest written its some poems especially in 20 lengthy papers for example it’s like in textiles shirting role. Every page consists of Width 49 inches and length 38 to 40 inches and 114 to 120 lines are there in a single page (20 papers).
  50. World largest 100 lengthy novels when I was 24 years. In Outstanding and underwriting stage 100 novels for love.
  51. World most and smallest lord Shiva statue established for love.
  52. World largest managing designated post in a company for love.
  53. World largest recommended letters and collected for love.
  54. World largest notary by affidavit witness for love wonder.
  55. World most designers/ maker in Homa Havana for love.
  56. World largest Homa Havana numbers of 100 only in six months from love.
  57. World largest world record company including many more deeds.
  58. World most Goddess Shri Chowdeshwari statue established for love.
  59. World largest 09 World record LLP companies and worldwide some organizations for love. These are…
    1) Sarahu World Records.
    2) Sarahu World Philosophical Organization.
    3) Sarahu Awards.
    4) Sarahu World Records University.
    5) Sarahu International Space and Bio Research Administration. “Sisbra”
    6) Sarahu Online Story Reading.
    7) Divine power master Om Shri Sarahu Naga Yogi Cloister of world big Principality – Society.
    8) Uma Suma Memorial Charitable Trust.
    9) Sarahu Divine Astro-Vision organization.
    10) Sarahu Movie Direction.
    11) Sarahu Press.
  60. Sign-Micronation-Sanahi.
  61. Sarahu Film Fare Media And Foundation.
  62. Sarahu Associates.
  63. Sarahu New 07 Wonders of the World.
  64. Sarahu New 06 Universal Wonders.
  65. Sarahu Philosophical Research Administration.
  66. Sarahu New 07 Human Wonders of the World.
  67. World most When he was studying in primary and high school stage he is draw the pictures of gods and natures seen and others pictures and also he make statues and puppets by using clay. He was perfect in art also from 5th class onwards. He was much interested in sports in elementary level he participated in 100 meter running and relay and always he came first.
  68. World most super talented; usually he is free minded person that he wouldn’t attend class daily, he used to roam with my friends in forest. When he was 4th and 5th Once HM and teachers came to his home and took me to school, he scared them by showing knife and made them go back. Once early morning some friends came and tied him through rope and took to school. He admitted to Loyola private hostel, he used to Government school only. He completed 6 and 7th in his home town. After that he shifted to karwar district Mundagod “Loyola Private school” and hostel to complete his high school, completing 8th, he couldn’t adjust to the environment of that school, so again came back to home town, finished his 9 and 10th in Bychavalli which is 6 km far from my home.
  69. World most pen name; people are thinking that ‘Sarahu’ as his pen name, but it’s not his pen name; actually his pen name is my girlfriends name as “Uma – Suma”.
  70. World most when he was 5th standard he wrote a drama of 3 hour. And when he was completed 7th standard he wrote another drama of 4 hours, and also he acted in both dramas. Which arranged by itself in our street.
  71. World most he was willing to read further but because of critical conditions of his home and two important aims of novels and making cinemas, had made him to stop his education. He got supernatural power by birth, but he came to know it in 3rd When he was in 3rd standard he got illumination of writing. And finally in 2000 while he was studying 6th standard he got illumination of writing novel. On August 14, afternoon 3 ‘0’ clock in the class room.
  72. Now he is 28 years old. Birth date 01 – 06 – 1988, his father died on 25 – 08 – 2012. Now my family consists of two members my mother and myself. He doesn’t know what race or religions I belong to, but you can identify me by him name, that to which race or religion he belongs to. Basically he is from Hullatti, Hanagal – Tq. Haveri District, Karnataka state, India. And his mother tongue is Telugu. He, his mother, his relations and communicates in Telugu in his home and my village. But he studied in kannada medium school in Karnataka. He has studied matriculation. He is not any graduate or post graduate, but people thought me that he might be M.A or other graduate by seeing his writing works. He had dropped out from school after his 7th standard, but his mother admitted in hostel forcibly, that’s why he studies till matriculation. His mother’s ambition is to give good education to him but because of his family economic problem, he stopped his education and went to capital city Bangalore. Before that when he was in 4th and 5th standard his father often beat me because he remain absents from school. At this age he uses to watch TV serials and films in neighboring. On those days there was only 4 or 5 TV’s in that big village. We have to do work in their homes and then they allowed us to watch TV. On those days his imaginations took shape.
  73. He hasn’t went for 1 and 2nd standard, directly admitted to class 3rd, his knowledge of writing started from that moment. When he was studying 3rd and 4th standard he use to go to coffee estate in Chickkamagalore district and Madikeri, Kodagu district Karnataka state, India. Due to economic problem his community people use to go coffee estates for work. Nature of that coffee estate was beautiful and peaceful. The talent of writing movies story was improved from here.
  74. There was pre-primary school in our village by name “Balwadies”. When he was in Balwadi he learned acting. There was cultural activity programme use to hold often in balwadies. As he was in 6th and 7th standard the skill of acting in himself was matured more. As he admitted to hostel, he performed dramas with hostel – mates, also wrote and directed dramas and plays in hostel as well as school. He has the experience of writing and performing dramas right from pre – primary school up to 8th At the age of 5 – 6 he had prepared statue of Ganesh by mud, also made some puppets and statues by using mud. He loves to make Ganesha using mud.
  75. For create his first scene of the Hollywood movie other writers will take around 20 to 25 years! You can anyone can guess how many years will they take to create a full movie screenplay?
  76. His ambition is to become a world number one novelist and script writer of Hollywood. Now he is about to become world number one novelist. Then World will tell who is the number one script writer after watching his first Hollywood cinema.
  77. World largest Work Experience Jobs: 1) Dramatist, 2) Author, 3) Novelist, 4) Poet, 5) Physicist, 6) Scientist, 7) Geo physicist, 8) Philosopher, 9) Sexologist, 10) Anthropologist, 11) Actor, 12) Script writer, 13) Astronomer, 14) Cinematographer 15) Psychiatrist, 16) Architect, 17) Software engineer, 18) Civil engineer, 19) Astrologer, 20) Painter, 21) Farmer, 22) metallic polisher, 23) Yogi, 24) Priest And 25) Director of the movie.
  78. He can write Hollywood story screen play within only one hour in a day. Sometimes he can write a Hollywood script within a half an hour. Means, however his sense works, he writes in the same way. Sometimes when he is feeling trouble, it takes a day to write Hollywood script.
  79. Practical Experiment of World: When he got enlightened about god he must practical experiment of world. There are so many ways; first he did experiment of death, Born Prostitution, Pain, Poor, and Rich after Ladies, Soul, God, Physics, Anthropology, Sexology, Film, Novel, Love, Fate and Philosophy. And he has done for these subjects PhD. Apart from that I am doing fortune astrology and practical experiments of world. But that is yet not endless. Every day he is practical experiment of world.
  80. Writing Capacity: he has written a novel since 10 – 15 days especially for getting noble prize. Suppose if keep writing a novel for a month it will bifurcates into 3 to 5 novels within that novel. So he tries to complete it in less than 10 – 15 days period. He thinks this time is much for me. Not only noble prize. He means which are prizes in this world which he gets definitely. Already he has completed for 9 novels and 15 novels noble and international prizes. This was written when he was 22 – 23.
  81. His enemy is death. So he will fight against death and find remedies to death. He will write many more novels about this. When he was five year old he was suffered from fever he went hospital with his parents, he saw lot patients in the hospital. He saw drinkers lying down on the roads. Mean while he went to coffee estate. When he is studying 5th standard his grandfather was died by natural death. And when he is studying 8th standard his cousin was died by heart attack when he was 8 year old. From then ‘death’ left serious effect on him. It effects on him and he tried finding remedy for death by writing the lengthy novel by name “black cobra”, at the age of 14 years.
  82. World lowest education he went to school from 6th standard directly. He spent his 3rd, 4th and 5th standard in coffee estate with him parents. He got education for only 5 years.
  83. When he was returning from coffee estate to home when he was 5th standard, his grandfather died. He can’t even able to see his dead body. These all social evils and incidents impact him seriously. In the same way he failed find the solution for death. Some here he may get remedy for death; by writing the lengthy novel by name “remedy for death”, at the age of 14 years.
  84. He is not able to find out the solution for death. With this he tried to stop prostitution, because Mukta one of his Aunt from karwar district Mundgod, he fell in love with her; she also started to love him. She has two children 1 boy and 1 girl. After some day he came to know that she is a prostitute woman. But still he is not able to forget her. Because he is emotional boy. That’s why he started to stop prostitution. But after some day he understand what prostitution. It is not wrong. It is one of the manners. There are two types of prostitution. One is because of lust, secondly for money. In fact prostitution for money is not wrong it is their job. Prostitution is wrong which one for fulfillment of physical desire is.
  85. Finally when he was 22 He got illumination of world. And At the age of 22 when he is writing the novel “joy of self-realization”, a 500 pages novel. He was enlightened about god.
  86. World lengthy novel for his father about death by writing the lengthy novel by name “EE SAAVU NYAYAVE”, at the age of 21 years.
  87. He has writes in a one of novel 2010 named “Jeevanamukthi” when he was 22. This novel contain the words are 63,109. And in whole character (no spaces) 5,02,019. And characters (with spaces) 5,63,985. And this novel contains 3,471 paragraphs. And lines are 8,128. This novel contains 10,66,004. words or characters.
  88. World largest manuscripts novels when he was 21.
  89. World largest manuscripts short stories when he was 21.
  90. World largest manuscripts 10 lakh poems when he was 27.
  91. World largest philosophies 15000 when he was 24.
  92. World largest science researches manuscripts when he was 25.
  93. He can write in computer 5 pages of short story within half an hour. (Nobody taught him operating computer and typing but he can type Kannada words in computer, as fast as he can write novel on a paper. Typing the Kannada language on computer in more difficult than typing the English language. He doesn’t have computer system in his home. He does his work done whenever he visit computer centre.)
  94. He can write in computer 5 pages of drama within half an hour. (Nobody taught him operating computer and typing but he can type Kannada words in computer, as fast as he can write novel on a paper. Typing the Kannada language on computer in more difficult than typing the English language. He doesn’t have computer system in his home. He does his work done whenever he visit computer centre.)
  95. He can write in computer 7 pages of poetry within half an hour. (Nobody taught him operating computer and typing but he can type Kannada words in computer, as fast as he can write novel on a paper. Typing the Kannada language on computer in more difficult than typing the English language. He doesn’t have computer system in his home. He does his work done whenever he visit computer centre.
  96. When he was 5th standard he wrote a drama of 3 hour. And when he was completed 7th standard he wrote another drama of 4 hours, and also he acted in both dramas.
  97. There was pre-primary school in his village by name “Balwadies”. When he was in Balwadi he learned acting. There was cultural activity programme use to hold often in balwadies. As he was in 6th and 7th standard the skill of acting in itself was matured more. As he admitted to hostel, he performed dramas with hostel – mates, also wrote and directed dramas and plays in hostel as well as school. He has the experience of writing and performing dramas right from pre – primary school up to 8th At the age of 5 – 6 he had prepared statue of Ganesh by mud, also made some puppets and statues by using mud. He loves to make Ganesha using mud.
  98. World largest or longest content writer in the world when he was 28.
  99. World largest web content written in 24 hours in day for his website when he was 29.
  100. World largest have company CEO’s and HR’s and Employees. CEO’s 75 peoples, HR’s 25 and employees and with the chief employees 44. But not workers these are.
  101. World largest 1500 pages biography for love when he was 26.
  102. (World largest ‘titles’ he got titles when he was 23 to 29.
  103. ‘World faithful writer’ he got title as when he was 23.
  104. ‘World fastest writer’ he got title as when he was 23.
  105. ‘World best writer’ he got title when he was 23.
  106. ‘World fastest writer in novels.’ He got title as when he was 23.
  107. ‘World fastest writer in short stories.’ He got title as when he was 23.
  108. ‘World fastest writer in poetries.’ He got title as when he was 23.
  109. ‘World fastest writer in dramas’. He got title as when he was 23.
  110. ‘World fastest writer in Hollywood/films stories.’ He got title as when he was 23.
  111. ‘World fastest philosopher’. He got title as when he was 23.
  112. ‘World best scientist.’ He got title as when he was 25.
  113. World most super human of the world.’ He got title as when he was 22.
  115. World largest record 300 certificates getting when he was 29.
  116. World largest 300 awards when he was 29.
  117. World largest 300 honorable certificates when he was 29.
  118. World ‘faithful human’ he got when he was 29.
  119. World ‘measurable’ human he got when he was 29.
  120. World most ‘breakable human’ he got when he was 29.
  121. World most ‘standards bale human’ he got when he was 29.
  122. World most ‘verifiable human’ he got when he was 29.
  123. World most ‘one variable human’ he got when he was 29.
  124. World most ‘global human’ he got when he was 29.
  125. World most ‘based on one variable human’ he got when he was 29.
  126. World most ‘the best in the world human’ he got when he was 29.
  127. World best novel or story reader he got title as when he was 25.
  128. World most variable write when he was 28.
  129. World most qualitable writer when he was 28.
  130. World largest 300 Records when he was 27.
  131. World largest 300 awards when he was 27.
  132. World largest 300 honorable certificates when he was 27.
  133. His mind work or running to thousand units at a minute.
  134. World largest internet text subject to about his company.
  135. He wrote 1000 TB text to unique words in a day only when he was 29.
  136. Best Novel – Baduki Sathanthe!
  137. Best Novel – Halooru Kariyappa
  138. Best Novel – Atithi DevoBhava!-1
  139. Hittalamane Shankranna -1
  140. Best Novel – Hittalamane Shankranna -2
  141. Best Novel – Hittalamane Shankranna -3
  142. Best Novel – Hittalamane Shankranna -4
  143. Best Novel – Hittalamane Shankranna -5
  144. Best Novel – Hittalamane Shankranna -6
  145. Best Novel – Hittalamane Shankranna -8
  146. Best Novel – Meenina Hejje
  147. Best Novel – Haluru Kariyappa-2
  148. Best Novel – Uru Usubari Thakkondu Mullasab Soragiddananthe!
  149. Best Novel – Jeevanmukthi
  150. Best Novel – Ee Savu Nyayave?
  151. Best Novel – Muttadiddare Nannane Geleya!
  152. Best Novel – Atithi DevoBhava!-2
  153. Best Novel – Atithi DevoBhava!-3
  154. Best Novel – Hittalina Hunase Mara.