Republic of Himagiri Writing Ability

Writing Ability

• Sarahu’s all strength is expressed in the caliber of all his writings and he received 321 New World records321 Awards, 321 Breaking records]], 321 Breaking awards, and 321 Breaking Honorable Certificates, when he was 29.

• He has been writing story, poetry, fiction, drama as well as cinema and film since his third grade. And He can write sitting in front of stereo sound with woofer sound, and even he can write sitting in isolation, it’s his routine. He can write without using headphone. However you tell he can write. Whatever he writes it’s purely in Kannada language only. Writing novels in Kannada language is quite difficult where as in English it is very easy.

• He can write sitting in front of stereo sound with woofer sound, and even he can write sitting in isolation, it’s his routine. He can write without using headphone. However you tell he can write. Whatever he writes it’s purely in Kannada language only. Writing novels in Kannada language is quite difficult where as in English it is very easy.

• Once he put the pen on the paper, he won’t stop writing. He won’t stop a bit for thinking. If you give any single word, he can write on the same without any stop. He never stops in between to think while writing. There are so many ways. As God knows everything by his supernatural power; in the same way inspirations and idea comes into his mind spontaneously while he writes novels. Ex, if you offer him a pen or stone to write a novel, the novel format, foundation and even climax I mean who sketch of the novel comes into his mind within a fraction of seconds. By chance if he starts to write novels holding pen with lots of imagination the story of novel will be changed. Suppose holding pen in fingers and writing novel with consuming more time; even he doesn’t know in what way it leads him to. There are no instances of writing by thinking in his career ever.

• You can give Hundred crore or UN limited themes (no limitation) at a time he can write on every theme one after another without stopping the pen. He can write on the spot it without giving any time for thinking. He can start writing on the given theme frequently without thinking or sketching about the theme.

• Whichever place you tell he can write the novel in that place and situation only. There is no specific time for me to write the novels. Whatever he have written here, it has been written honestly and truthfully. You must initiate a theme to write novels, then he sit along with you and here he promises you that challenges will surely come true.

World Records and Breaking Records

World Awards Records and Breaking

World Honorable Certificates Records and Breaking

Significant World Records and Breakings