Republic of Himagiri Universe Formation

Universe Formation

Like Earth, the creation of other planets took billions of years. Allahu Jehovah was also responsible for that. Through Allahu Jehovah, God’s sphere was first created. Later planets were created in this way. The creation of the planets was also varied through the scientific grid. Our universe began with a cosmic explosion. Space, which began with a very high density and temperature, expanded with the great power of Allahu Jehovah. From that the universe cooled and the simpler elements formed. The gravity gradually increased. Later stars and galaxies were formed. He was first a very particle. Later, due to its inspiration, the universe became created. Under that power the solar spheres were created. From it day and light became two parts. Light sprung from the sun and night from the moon. Allahu Jehovah is not seen as a gender difference. They did not belong to the masculine or feminine gender category. They will be addressed in the plural without any distinction. Allahu Jehovah has no religious foundations; that mean they were not just the foundation of Hinduism or other religions of the world. Allahu Jehovah is responsible for the creation of the present world and world phenomena. Current levels of education are no hindrance to those who look at him with many kinds of love. He is responsible for everything in the entire universe. Good and bad things happen to them. Even the universe does not give any problems to those who surrender to Him. Even Allahu Jehovah was a lump of gases in the beginning. That means they were five elements, gases, fuels, molecules. They still are. Good and bad things happen to them.

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