Republic of Himagiri Imagination of Superhuman films

Imagination of Superhuman films

This concept going on Hollywood films depth imagination and including the 55 Hollywood films scripts by Allahu Jehovah when he was 25. The Imagine of Superhuman films this is a like as the Constitution; The Constitution is a synthesis of glorified philosophical ideas. In this we can see the constitution of imagination which no one in the world has ever imagined. Constitution is redirected to the Scripture. That means it is a collection of Hollywood stories. But these are Allahu Jehovah’s own stories written independently. They are Hollywood stories.

ScriptureHollywood Films
Origin of Superhuman FilmsMaking the Entertainment
Established2013, 21st Century
DestinationEliminating legends and imaginary situations in scriptures in any religion and Similarly, it is not a religion related to any country or region. The purpose of Signiesm is to erase all the religions in the whole world and have one religion.
ApplyingEnglish and Chinese
WrittenAllahu Jehovah
ScripturesThe Imagine of Superhuman Films
Subsidiary55 Scripts
PartnerBibliography of Allahu Jehovah

Hollywood Films Aiming

He will write story, screen play, dialogues and scene paper within 4 hours. However you demand he will write in that style in Hollywood. Example: if you give a subject likes ‘stone’ or ‘stick’ or any other think or you just show anything around us by pointing finger, he will write on the topic story, screen play, dialogues and scene paper within 4 hours in a day only by pen or he tell it orally as your wish. He will write as you say within 4 hours in a day. And he will direct Hollywood movie without script, it’s confidence. If you provide an opportunity to write a Hollywood story with any theme he will write it in front of you spontaneously without giving time for thinking. Lonely without anybody’s help. He will write that Hollywood script within fraction of second’s right from foundation to climax. And for creating his first scene of the Hollywood movie other writers will take around 20 to 25 years so anyone can guess how many years they take for full movie screenplay?!

• Pertaining to the writing works, he can defeat the writers of rest of the whole world by only his pointing finger. And he can rotate the literature world in his pointing finger. And pertaining to the science works, he can defeat the scientist of rest of the whole world by only his Thumb finger. And pertaining to the other technical means civil engineering, software engineering and other talented works, he can defeat the peoples of rest of the whole world by only his left hand pointing finger. And he has capable of completing in half an hour, the work of 1000 software engineers with the help of his left hand middle finger only. He can work as a software engineer easily, but he has not software engineer. Even he can draw the civil engineering diagrams easily. How many talented works are there? He can do all that work. Especially he has interested in doing operation of Kidney, Heart and Brain etc.

• Whoever breaks his imagination of his first Hollywood movie is the only No. 1 script writer of Hollywood.

• When he was in class 5th and 6th he was having a 3 important dreams that is becoming an astronomer or a doctor or a Hollywood film writer and director or Actor but he is now 1) Dramatist, 2) Author, 3) Novelist, 4) Poet, 5) Physicist, 6) Scientist, 7) Geo physicist, 8) Philosopher, 9) Sexologist, 10) Anthropologist, 11) Actor, 12) Script writer, 13) Astronomer, 14) Cinematographer 15) Psychiatrist, 16) Architect, 17) Software engineer, 18) Civil engineer, 19) Astrologer, 20) Painter, 21) Farmer, 22) metallic polisher, 23) Yogi, 24) Priest And 25) Director of the movie, 26) fashion designer; instead of all these he had one important aim to solve the problem of death. Having full spirit and madness regarding to this, till now whichever novels he have written, among them 4 to 5 novels have the answer and salvation for death. He can write Hollywood story screen play within only one hour in a day. Sometimes he can write a Hollywood script within a half an hour. Means, however his sense works, he write in the same way. Sometimes when he is feeling trouble, it takes a day to write Hollywood script. You give any theme of Hollywood film script he can write within two hours in front of you spontaneously without taking time to think with nobodies help, he can write Hollywood scripts within fraction of second’s right from foundation to climax, and to create my first scene of the Hollywood movie other writers will take around 20 to 25 years!

Early life in Film Scripts

Hollywood Script -1 – When he was studying in 9th standard he had written the novel “A NEW UNIVERSE 0000”. Whoever breaks up his record of writing this novel with the level of imagination is the No. 1 Novelist. Who breaks the record of this novel is the only no 1 writer. Hollywood writer takes 25 years to break up imagination chapter 6th and 7th his novel. He is sure if the 6th, 7th chapter becomes Hollywood cinema he is sure he will get Hollywood cinema Oskar award. But because of fantasy theme I don’t know they Oscar academy consider it or not.

Aiming at Hollywood cinema he wrote first novel named “A NEW UNIVERSE 0000”. He that novel he is wandering to direct a Hollywood cinema at the age of 14. He was able to direct a Hollywood cinema at the age of 18. But his family background was not good. In this novel we have scenes which make remember us Hollywood cinema, and some of them are beyond the Hollywood cinema.

Hollywood Script – 2 – He has published in a one of novel 2010 named “Black Cobra”. 281 pages demy size in book layout. This novel contains 45,374words. And in whole character (no spaces) 3,76,748. And characters (with spaces) 4,23,194. And this novel contains total 1,759 paragraphs. And lines are 5462. This novel total contains 7,99,942 words or characters. And he has written this novel when he was studying in 9th standard, but it was published when he was 22. In this novel we have scenes which make remember us Hollywood cinema, and some of them are beyond the Hollywood cinema.

Hollywood Script – 3 – The Most Popular Person in the World

Hollywood Script – 4 – Good Morning India Today

Hollywood Script – 5 – The Flying Sasser

Hollywood Script – 6 – The Eagle

Hollywood Script – 7 – Hello Nikita

Hollywood Script – 4 – The Perfect Soul

Hollywood Script – 4 – The Legendary Bond of Sarahu – James Bond 007

And remaining 55 Hollywood Scripts


The imagine of superhuman films is a An important symbol that has an emotional connection. The characteristic of this constitution is the struggle that has been carried out to portray it very easily on the screen. But even if a piece of it is stolen, the curse of God is placed on the human being. In any case, this superhuman constitution is the gateway that takes this man to other worlds in a beautiful and exciting way. Because if it had been written by a human being, it would not have been cursed by God.


If all the people of the world were to put together a short story, a Hollywood story, a Hollywood screen play or a novel with the help of their imagination, they would make a story by themselves compared to the people of the entire world. Then you can decide who is better. A short story, a Hollywood story, a Hollywood screen play or a novel can be concluded to be well done. And he beats Hollywood script writers on his little finger. And the power of his imagination creates a story every second and a Hollywood story every minute. Even when he was studying in class 5, he had a deep imagination. The novels he wrote in 8th and 9th standard are proof of this. The scope of his imagination can only be understood by those who have studied his novels; Hollywood films may draw inspiration from this work as those novels contain a series of ideas and Hollywood themes.

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