Republic of Himagiri Further Information

Further Information

ParentsSanna Phakkirappa (Father), Rathnamma (Mother)
Written new Penal Code and Established2022
SisterShobha (Elder)
His Work Experienced1) Dramatist, 2) Author, 3) Novelist, 4) Poet, 5) Physicist, 6) Scientist, 7) Geo physicist, 8) Philosopher, 9) Sexologist, 10) Anthropologist, 11) Actor, 12) Script writer, 13) Astronomer, 14) Cinematographer 15) Psychiatrist, 16) Architect, 17) Software engineer, 18) Civil engineer, 19) Astrologer, 20) Painter, 21) Farmer, 22) metallic polisher, 23) Yogi, 24) Priest, 25) Director of the movie. 26) Fashion Designer, 27) Product Designer, 28) Logo and Designer.
Teaching Philosophies7 Theories, 15 Thousand Truths, 46 Principles, 2 daily formula, 3 organs, 3 universal truths, 7 lady principles and 18 great provisions – when he was 20 to 28.
Established new nationHimagiri (in 2013 & 2020)
Established new religionSigniesm (in 2013 & 2020)
Established new religionAtheist Religion (in 2013 & 2022)
Screen NameSarahu Nagarazan
Common Language NameSarahunaath (Lord Sarahunaath)
Written Holy ScripturesSanahi (21 big Scriptures)
Written Novels: According to 2016 to 2020151 Novels
Written Short Stories: According to 2019 to 20205 Short stories
Written Poetries: According to 2013 to 202015 Lakh books of Poetries
Written Dramas: According to 20081 Drama
Written Hollywood ScriptureThe Imagine of Superhuman Films
Science Engineering Research Books: According to 2019 to 20206 Books and published
Written Art & Entertainments books: According to 2019 to 202025 Books and published
Research Streams: According to 2018 to 2021Astronomy, Geology, Biology, Astrology, Medical Engineering, Cosmology, Psychology, Physics and others and published more than 150 papers
Written and Established new Constitution2022
Written new Penal Code after death all biomass and Established2022
Written new Penal Code of present life all biomass and Established2023
EyesThree Eyes
921 PhD AwardsHe Recieved 921 Honorary doctorate Awards and 21 Essay
Film CarrierHe Performed in Kannada Film Industry at the age of 17 to 23, as a Script Writer and Assistant Director
World Records and Breaking RecordsHe Received 2500 new World Records and Breaking Records at the age of 16 to 28
Science AwardsHe Received more than 260 Science Research Awards at the age of 26 to 32
Honorable CertificatesReceived the 2400 Honorable Certificates When he was 18 to 28
Honorable AwardsReceived the 2400 Honorable Awards When he was 18 to 28
Astronomy TheoryHe have 4 Astronomy Theories at the age of 32
Biology TheoryHe have 1 Topmost Biology Theory at the age of 33
Established MonotheismHe Established Monotheism Before the Universe Formation
Film AwardsReceived the 38 Film Awards in comparison to Oscar When he was 18 to 28
Literature AwardsReceived the 50 Awards in comparison to Nobel prize When he was 18 to 28
Wrote PhD Essay21 PhD Essays
921 PhD Awards ReceivedAllahu Jehovah He received 321 different Honorable Doctorates, 321 different Honorable Doctorate certificates and 321 Global Honorable Doctorate different Award certificates when he was 29. His writing abilities have been so well received by him that he writes every single line of essay because he writes very well in his writing ability and in the world without anyone else. Since one writing title is a world record and is later framed as an essay, his writing world records have been announced by PhD. and since one writing title is a world record and is later framed as an essay, his writing world records have been announced by PhD. He studied one of his writing World Records for 28 consecutive years, composing a dissertation and his years of experience as a PhD. His writing was declared the sarahu sixth wonder in the world, along with a declaration of Ph.D.)
