Republic of Himagiri Biology Rules

Biology Rules

The Sarahu Biology Rule of Before Enlightenment

Human life itself is a extent of living being. Similar to human life other extents to living beings. But probably human life genes emergence when compare to other living beings it is giving highest negative impact is seen. But it not giving negative impact on human types. That means genes behavior human beings others living beings intelligent human being, micro cells, bacteria’s are not accepted. It means other living beings couldn’t accept has human beings as intelligent. The same conceptions physically moment of living beings fight on human beings. Living beings are micro bacteria’s are live on life. The life of living beings in different, different natural calamity on human beings. The chances of escaping by this by humans is very less. Living beings and infections in form between natures different form divides. Human life to understand to living beings and infections family five elements has to find out a way to correct. Otherwise human who’s life chemically destroys himself chemically his life. For a chemical life chemical living beings, allergies and new diseases emerge. For the birth of new viruses (living beings) man himself becomes a creator. And his activities are cause for infections. Viruses and living beings they are have their micro language. Based on this language they have acquired all over the world. This language is called by “Sarahu 19, 20”. Otherwise cough, fever, cold they have their own micro language and code. With the help of that language and code they live and behave.

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